Martingale Calming Harness
A two-in-one harness for walking and anxiety relief. Available for both cats and dogs.
Martingale Calming Harness
A two-in-one harness for walking and anxiety relief. Available for both cats and dogs.

Car Harnesses
Crash tested safety harnesses in a wide range of sizes for dogs allow you to fasten your dog into the seat belt securely.
Car Harnesses
Crash tested safety harnesses in a wide range of sizes for dogs allow you to fasten your dog into the seat belt securely.

Mobile Pet Bed & Carriers
Multifunctional carriers can be used as a safe car seat and cozy napping spot at home or on the go.
Mobile Pet Bed & Carriers
Multifunctional carriers can be used as a safe car seat and cozy napping spot at home or on the go.

Cranberry Red Chromaweave
A vibrant new hue shimmers and shines among the uniquely crafted and strength-tested Chromaweave collar and leash lines.
Cranberry Red Chromaweave
A vibrant new hue shimmers and shines among the uniquely crafted and strength-tested Chromaweave collar and leash lines.
Research and Development
Safety is Sleepypod's number one priority. See how our team works harder to make safer pet products.
Research and Development
Safety is Sleepypod's number one priority. See how our team works harder to make safer pet products.
- Trina was protected by Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed
I was driving though a green light intersection when a car on my right side, in the right turn only lane sped through a red light. The car crashed into my car spinning my car to face the opposite direction. I had to kick my door open to get out. My dog was in her sleepypod. The car was totaled. No injuries.
- Dexter was protected by Clickit Utility
We were t-boned by a driver speeding through a red light at about 40 mph. After the collision, my first concern was Bella. I was emotionally relieved to realize she was fully secured and only experienced normal confusion. I on the other hand, experienced a concussion with two weeks worth of whiplash. Both cars were totaled with my car repair estimate at $15,000.
- Hank was protected by Clickit Terrain
A semi/freightliner with cattle trailer did not yield the right of way and pulled into the roadway. My truck struck into the cattle trailer and was totaled. Thankfully due to being buckled in to his Sleepypod harness he was just shook up and not injured.